Il Principe Della Notte
Our brand has been present for over 3 generations with products of excellent physical properties and a perfect comfort.

For 90 years the brand SIlver Prince is certified guarantee of solutions for sleep incomparable quality / price ratio. Here, the perfect blend of technology and tradition of craftsmanship, experience and pride in a job well done creates high quality products, reliability, carefully hand-finished down to the smallest details.
The company was established after a thorough job done by the great-grandparents with a small shop in the Market Square, which still exists today, followed by constant technical progress and accurate research on materials.
The time and the love for this wonderful work they did consolidated our family, a tradition that excites us and always with constant commitment we travel with a plus putting in play and open to evolution that the market offers.
Our brand “Il Principe della Notte” rides the scene for over 10 years, products made entirely in our Italian factories and undergo a unique process that gives excellent physical properties and a perfect comfort.
Always been our mission focuses on the process of postural re-education, spreading right products for every need.